Equipping Yourself
Gather your gear. In terms of shooting equipment, you’ll need a 3rd party blaster such as the nexus pro or a modded nerf blaster, unmodded nerf blasters are an alternative as they have the same range as normal nerf guns. Good aesthetic sniper rifles are the Nexus Pro, Max Stryker, Modulus Longstrike with Waffle darts, Nerf Rival Jupiter, Ultra Pharaoh with Ultra AccuStrike darts, or Centurion with Mega Accustrike darts. But a good sniper doesn’t need to have sniper aesthetics, it just needs to have a good FPS and accuracy (keep in mind that some nerf wars have FPS caps). If you get a Longshot, look into modifying it. Its large direct plunger system makes it an excellent blaster to modify. Always have a secondary on you. If it has a decent rate of fire, that is a definite plus. One-handed use is also a good Idea. Recommended blasters are the Blitzfire, Reflex 6, Apollo, Helios, and Hera. Use a spring-powered nerf blaster. These are softer and are less likely to give away your position but generally it won't matter how loud your blaster is, it just shouldn't be ear-piercing. Use accustrike darts or purchase accurate darts off eBay, Amazon, lightake, etc. These darts are accurate, and outclass other types of nerf darts. As long as you have these, you can use most nerf blasters as a sniper rifle. Ensure that you have any other attachments needed for the rifle. For example, you may need a stock or bi-pod for easier aiming. Have sufficient ammunition. (Waffle darts are preferable.)
Prepare yourself. Stay in shape; you might need to run from an enemy. You need a good sidearm in case you do not have time to reload or need to shoot with a fast fire rate. Make sure you can use any blaster and be good with it. You never know when you might need to be more than a sniper.
Get a blaster strap. You can find one on places such as Amazon and other online stores. Put it on your blaster by attaching it to the strap attachments. (Some blasters may only have one or no strap attachment point.
Bring a backup pistol. The Blitzfire, Reflex 6, Apollo, Kronos, Helios, and Hera are all decent secondary blasters.
Load your Nerf blaster, and add all necessary accessories. Using the smallest mags possible like 6-round mags can be good in small spaces. If you don't have a 6 round mag, you're not a sniper.
Hiding Well
Pick a good hiding spot. Never be completely out in the open. Have cover and concealment all around you, but be able to move easily and keep in mind that hiding in a single spot the whole match is not all that helpful for the team. Choose a space where you get a tactical advantage over the enemy, and you might catch them off guard. But be ready to get the heck out 'a there if they overwhelm you.
Find a vantage point on the battlefield with a covered infiltration/ex filtration route. Basically, where you can exit and enter the sniper post without blowing your cover or giving away your hiding spot. If you're found, don't shout. Enemies can find you easily, just use a backup that has more than a shot and doesn't jam a lot. Cover and Concealment are Key
Sniping Successfully
Be patient. Most snipers at the beginning of their sniper career think they are going to get the most kills on the battlefield. Wrong. They actually get the least. Being a sniper is not glorious. It's basically you laying on your belly, holding a long blaster.(It isn't ALWAYS a long blaster)
Wait until the target is in range and in your sights. Ask a few questions. Is it one person, or is it a group? What is the wind speed? What range are you firing at? Can you be seen? (The answer to that one should be NO!)
Turn 20 degrees in the opposite direction of the wind. Nerf darts are heavily affected by wind speed and direction. The wind will carry the dart over to the target if done right. The stronger the wind, the more it will be affected.
Breathe quietly at all times, and step quietly when moving. A way to step quietly is to step heel first, and then lower your foot down slowly.
Prime the blaster and take a deep breath. Once your breath reaches its natural pause, slowly take the shot. (Note: this might not improve firing for you)
Escape quickly if the target is around other people. They will be looking for you. If you want to take out the entire group, move 6-12 feet away from your original firing spot. Then reload and shoot again.
Confirm the shot through your scope, in case another round is needed. This technique is best done with the use of a spotter. (This is probably going to be hard to do with a nerf scope. Use binoculars, or a different piece of equipment if necessary.) In situations of limited personnel. Spotters tell you where your target is, approximate how many feet/yards your target is away from you, the wind speed and direction.
Reload/Re-acquire darts. Always. And remember, your blaster's mag doesn't always have to be fully loaded to fire.
Take out your target/targets and repeat the sniper approach against other targets!
After you take a few shots, move to another position. Never stand in a corner for more than 3 shots. If you do, and you get found, you will get destroyed! (This is somewhat dependent on your playing style. You might want to draw your enemies in, and then take out a bunch of them before moving.)
Do not shoot your darts as far as you can. The dart slows before reaching its farthest point, and has the least accuracy at its farthest point. Instead, shoot about 65-70% of your blaster's max range.
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