Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Nicotine Replacement Therapy Offers Hope for Smokers
Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Nicotine Replacement Therapy Offers Hope for Smokers
On World Heart Day, it is crucial to acknowledge the detrimental effects of smoking on heart health and take proactive steps to address this issue

This World Heart Day, lets understand the relationship between heart health and smoking. Expert raise voice to adopt NRT to quit smoking, thereby protecting heart health

Smoking is widely acknowledged as a leading cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD), a group of conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. Its harmful effects on the cardiovascular system are well-established, making it a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, and other CVD-related conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), CVD is the leading global cause of death, responsible for an estimated 17.9 million fatalities annually.

In India, the prevalence of smoking remains a serious concern. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), India, 2016-17, reveals that around 28.6% of adults aged 15 and above are current tobacco users. This statistic is deeply troubling because tobacco use, especially smoking, is a significant risk factor for CVD. It is crucial to recognize that smoking not only affects individuals but also imposes a substantial public health burden.

The detrimental impact of smoking on heart health is evident in several ways. This habit contributes to heart disease by promoting the development of fatty deposits within arteries, known as ‘atherosclerosis.’ This process narrows arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart, significantly increasing the risk of heart attacks. Moreover, smoking is also associated with higher blood pressure, placing additional strain on the heart and raising the risk of heat-related illnesses. Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which diminishes the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. As a result, the heart must work harder to ensure an adequate oxygen supply to the body. If one continues to smoke for a prolonged period of time, smoking may increase the likelihood of blood clot formation in the circulatory system, potentially blocking blood flow to the heart and leading to a heart attack.

To combat smoking-related CVDs, Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) stands out as a crucial therapy. NRT provides smokers with a controlled, safer source of nicotine, alleviating severe withdrawal symptoms and cravings associated with quitting smoking. This intervention significantly improves the chances of quitting successfully and, in turn, reduces the risk of heart disease.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognises NRT as an effective tool for reducing nicotine intake and aiding smoking cessation. WHO’s endorsement underscores the importance of NRT in helping individuals reduce nicotine consumption and achieve successful smoking cessation.

Dr. Gautam Saha, Founder-Director, Clinic Brain Neuropsychiatric Institute of Research Center highlights, “Smoking significantly contributes to the CVD epidemic in India. NRT not only aids in quitting but also plays a pivotal role in preventing future heart-related complications. By offering a controlled source of nicotine, NRT mitigates the harm smoking inflicts on the heart and substantially increases the chances of leading a smoke-free life”

On World Heart Day, it is crucial to acknowledge the detrimental effects of smoking on heart health and take proactive steps to address this issue. With organisations like Rusan Pharma leading the way in providing NRT solutions, there is hope for a future where the burden of CVD in India is significantly reduced.

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