Reliance has 2nd largest gas-rich block
Reliance has 2nd largest gas-rich block
Reliance is the operator with 90 per cent interest in the Bay of Bengal deep-sea Block KG-DWN-98/3 off Andhra coast.

New Delhi: Natural gas reserves in Reliance Industries' prolific D6 block off the east coast have nearly doubled to 35.4 trillion cubic feet, making it India's second largest gas-rich block.

"An independent engineering report prepared by Gaffney, Cline and Associates at fiscal year end 2006 has increased the high estimate of gross original natural gas in-place for the D6 Block to 35.4 trillion cubic feet from 11.9 trillion cubic feet in the prior year as evaluated by D&M, a 197 per cent increase," said Canadian Niko Resources, RIL's partner.

Reliance is the operator with 90 per cent interest in the Bay of Bengal deep-sea Block KG-DWN-98/3 (known as D6) off Andhra coast while Niko has the remaining 10 per cent.

State-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp's (ONGC) Mumbai offshore block, which houses India's largest gas field Bassein, holds almost double of the reserves estimated in RIL block. Bassein field alone has reserves of 12 tcf.

In D6, 18 consecutive discoveries have been made since 2002 and the all these put together hold 35.4 tcf in-place reserve.

A Niko statement said GCA has further estimated 8.2 tcf reserves in Block NEC-25, off the Orissa coast.

NEC-25 also has same shareholding as D6.

Reliance is investing 2.49 billion dollars in bringing to production Dhirubhai-1 and Dhirubhai-3 discoveries out of the 18 made so far, to produce 40 million standard cubic meters per day from mid-2008.

Niko said six gas discoveries in the NEC-25 block in the Mahanadi basin, off Orissa coast, have been declared commercial.

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