Women Prefer Bearded Guys To Clean-shaven Ones For Marriage: Survey
Women Prefer Bearded Guys To Clean-shaven Ones For Marriage: Survey
More than 8,500 women were questioned about relationships and their preferences for bearded and beardless men by researchers at the University of Queensland.

What evolutionary purpose does a beard serve? Many women, men and children get along quite well without one. However, if you go along streets these days, you’ll see people with a variety of styles and forms of well-groomed and not-so-well-groomed facial hair, ranging from hipster beards and waxed moustaches to designer stubble. Beards are often perceived as a sign of masculinity.

Women prefer bearded guys to clean-shaven ones, according to a recent spate of studies and research projects. Queensland University, Barnaby J Dixon, Robert C Brooks and several foreign organisations conducted these studies and research at various points in time. Because of this, men today strive to maintain a beard in an effort to appear more robust and manly. The Journal of Evolutionary Biology also published a study that was comparable.

More than 8,500 women were questioned about relationships and their preferences for bearded and beardless men by researchers at the University of Queensland. Remember that the majority of these polls and research are from European and American nations rather than from India. According to one survey, women prefer bearded guys when it comes to marriage. Men who are clean-shaven are thought to be better suited for casual partnerships.

According to reports, beards can indicate men’s age and masculine social dominance. The report also claimed that beards are considered more attractive for long-term relationships than clean-cut faces. However, some other research also suggests otherwise. A 2016 study from the University of Queensland said that longer beards indicate greater stability and the likelihood of a long-term relationship.

According to a dating site survey, 60 per cent of women think bearded men are appealing. Furthermore, fifty per cent of these women’s partners have moustaches and beards. A study covered by ZME Science in Britain said that women find bearded men more masculine and aggressive, and they stop their search once they like such a man.

Another research claimed that women find bearded guys more appealing and may even think they would make better partners or fathers. Additionally, studies reveal that women view men with beards as more stable, indicating that they value long-term partnerships over transient ones. Generally speaking, nevertheless, ladies also like guys who want well-groomed beards.

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