Social media trends are often fun and provide a slew of content for creators. One trend dies and in no time, another takes its place. As the fear of missing out grows, most online users appear to follow these fads without thinking of the consequences or that it could be fatal. The latest trend that has created a lot of buzz is that of Chroming. Earlier, this fad took the life of an 11-year-old child in the UK, and now a mother has warned against this deadly act after her daughter fell ill.
As per reports, the mother was terrified for her daughter’s life after she became severely unwell after participating in the chroming trend. According to the mother, Mikayla Solomon, her daughter Teigan, who is 12, and one of her friends robbed three homes to obtain five cans of deodorant to participate in the social media challenge. Chroming is also known as huffing or sniffing. To participate, people inhale harmful chemicals found in paint tubs, solvents, aerosol cans, cleaning goods, or petrol. When these inhalants are overused, they impact the central nervous system and slow brain activity, resulting in a temporary state of intoxication. The harmful trend can produce slurred speech, dizziness, hallucinations, nausea, and confusion, but it can also lead to a heart attack or suffocation.
The mother had rushed her daughter Teigan to A&E at Medway Maritime Hospital after discovering she had ingested the cans with a friend at a sleepover just for fun, as per the Mirror report. Reportedly, Teigan complained of heart palpitations and dizziness hours after inhaling the toxins. Despite receiving the all-clear from doctors, Mikayla reported that Teigan had been vomiting regularly for 12 days and believed that the incident caused long-term damage. The mother stated, “When I found out, I thought I needed to get her checked. She apologised and said she just wanted to do it to make her laugh and didn’t really think about the consequences. She thought it would just make her and her friend laugh. She said her heart was doing palpitations,” as quoted by The Mirror. Mikayla stated that she was simply grateful it wasn’t worse and that her daughter may have easily gone into cardiac arrest.
Post the incident, the mother warned other parents, stating, “Parents need to know the dangers. If you think your child has done this, get them checked — it can cause long-term damage,” as reported by The New York Post.
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