SEBI Chairman Ajay Tygai on Saturday said if people are shifting from banks to mutual fund to that extent it is not an assured return but this is right way to come to if people want to come to capital markets.
It is about time that the Ministry takes Panorama more seriously – by appointing a respectable jury.
An international rights group this week had filed war crimes charged against Jayasuriya in Brazil and Columbia.
China is set to establish the very first Mars simulation base on Earth. The base will act as a ground for research, tourism and film shooting.
Japanese conglomerate SoftBank Group Corp (SBG) on Wednesday recognised losses of $1.4 billion in 2016-17 from its India investments -- Snapdeal and Ola.
The number of landline telephone connections in the country has shrunk over the last five years, standing at about 25.22 million in 2016 against 32.17 million in 2012, Parliament was informed on Friday.
Since its 7 years of Meluha, we are giving away autographed copies to 14 lucky winners.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 is expected to be launched at the MWC 2017 event. Follow live updates here.
By 2030 life expectancy for South Korean women could top nine decades, an average lifespan long thought to be out of reach, researchers said Wednesday.
Lion is a true story about an Indian boy who falls asleep on a train only to wake up and realise he is miles away from home
The death toll in Siberia from people drinking bath essence containing methanol rose to 71 on Thursday, the Russian health ministry said.
All-too-familiar questions about courage, backbone and durability surround Arsenal ahead of their trip to Pep Guardiola's Manchester City in the Premier League this weekend.
Fluffy slime is super easy to make—all you need is a few common household ingredients. We’ll show you how to make the fluffiest slime ever with glue, shaving cream, and contact lens solution, along with some shaving cream-free alternatives. In a matter of...
Sabq news website reported that two security guards were wounded in the attack, which took place early on Monday.
Amar Singh was very close to the Bachchan family for a substantial number of years till some years back, and then they fell out.