Godh Bharai: Exploring The Ancient Roots And Modern Meaning Of Baby Showers
Godh Bharai: Exploring The Ancient Roots And Modern Meaning Of Baby Showers
The baby shower celebrates the motherhood of the pregnant woman and provides emotional support for her delivery of the baby.

The baby shower ceremony, widely known as the Godh Bharai ceremony in India, is considered one of the most important rituals during the probable last month of a woman’s pregnancy. The ancient ritual has more socio-economic and cultural reasons than scientific ones behind it. It is a welcoming celebration of a new healthy life for the family. It also celebrates the motherhood of the pregnant woman and provides emotional support for her delivery of the baby. Relatives on this day visit to share their insights on motherhood – the dos and don’ts – with the would-be mother. Baby showers are celebrated in other countries as well, for the same reasons. One of the other important reasons is the loneliness a mother feels during pregnancy. The isolation from social life, stress, and anxiety are also relieved when the expectant mother socializes during the baby shower.

Generally, this ritual is held during the seventh month of pregnancy. In other cultures across India, the Godh Bharai celebration is held during the fifth month too. In ancient Egypt and Greece, the origins of baby showers can also be found. In those days, women would gather to offer blessings and gifts to the pregnant mother. The ritual symbolized the support of the community. As there was little medical support back then, prayer for a healthy baby and the safety of the expectant mother were two of the most important aspects of the rituals.

Celebrating pregnancy is one of the most important goals of the ritual. The magnificent journey of the mother through nine different months and, with time, changes in her emotional and physical being are appreciated and celebrated through this ritual. On this day, the loved ones gather to extend their support to the would-be mother.

Similar to any other celebration or event, the baby shower also plays a major role in strengthening the bonds with the relatives. Invited people shared their parenting experiences with the would-be parents. The whole celebration remains an eternal memory for the family.

Giving birth to a child is one of the most unique yet daunting events in human life. During the phases of pregnancy, both the man and the lady go through some difficult mental phases. However, during the baby shower, friends, family members, and relatives extend their support to the couple. Sometimes, financial and material support is also provided so that obstacles can be avoided.

On the day of the baby shower, relatives gift many necessary items to the couple, and most specifically to the expectant mother, which can be used after the delivery of the child. Some of the items gifted by family members remain a precious memory for the family. This age-old gesture lives on in society among different cultures in India and other parts of the world.

According to the obstetrician Jayashree Sharma, “The main purpose of this is to keep the pregnant woman happy. On the day this happens, the woman will be given more importance. It is conducted with “grandeur and pomp,” with gifts including food, jewellery, sarees, flowers, fruits, household items, and gold ornaments. This will make the pregnant woman very happy.”

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