China slams AQ Khan's claims on nuclear proliferation
China slams AQ Khan's claims on nuclear proliferation
China says it did not get Pakistan to share nuclear secrets with North Korea.

New Delhi: China has reacted strongly against Pakistani nuclear scientist AQ Khan's explosive letter to his wife in which he claimed that Islamabad had exchanged nuclear secrets with China, Iran, Libya and North Korea.

China refuted all claims made by Khan that Beijing gave Islamabad nuclear bomb blue-prints in exchange for enrichment technology.

China also said that it did not get Pakistan to share nuclear material with North Korea and Iran.

"As a member of the treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, China has always strictly abided by its international obligation on the non-proliferation issue," Chinese Foreign Ministry was quoted by the official news agency.

China's statement came after Britain's Sunday Times published letters written by Khan, to his Dutch wife Henny in 2003, just before he was placed under house arrest. Khan had written about how China gave Pakistan designs for nuclear bombs in exchange for enrichment technology.

''We put up a centrifuge plant at Hanzhong .The Chinese gave us drawings of the nuclear weapon, gave us 50kg of enriched uranium, gave us 10 tons of UF6 (natural) and 5 tons of UF6 (3 per cent)," Khan wrote in the letter.

The United States of America has also expressed its concerns over Khan's claims and said that the disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist still remained a nuclear non-proliferation concern.

"We have said consistently that we have real concerns about Mr A Q Khan. We believe that he remains a risk for proliferation," US State Department Spokesman Ian Kelly said on Tuesday at his daily press briefing.

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