Bored teenager pegs puppy up on washing line
Bored teenager pegs puppy up on washing line
The teenager suspended the struggling puppy from the skin on its back as he took photographs from different angles.

London: A Filipino teenager pegged his puppy on a clothes line and posted pictures of the helpless animal on Facebook, a media report said Wednesday.

Jerzon Senador, from Calamba, Laguna, is likely to face animal cruelty charges after deciding to carry out the stunt because he was bored, the Daily Mail reported.

The teenager suspended the struggling puppy from the skin on its back as he took photographs from different angles.

He later took the images down and issued a public apology after he was swamped with angry messages from internet users, according to the Mail.

Over 3,000 Facebook members joined a campaign group calling for him to be prosecuted. Animal lovers also took to Twitter to voice their outrage at the stunt, it said.

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