How to Make a Dictionary of Made up Words
How to Make a Dictionary of Made up Words
Making up words is a fun way to pass the time. However, have you ever thought of creating dictionary of made up words? If you're interested in doing so, this article will guide you through the process. Remember to have fun.

Get a piece of lined/plain paper and a writing utensil. It's recommended that you use a pencil so that you can erase your mistakes.

Brainstorm. Write out the words that you want to include in your dictionary. For more fun, plan it out with friends so that you have a variety of different ideas.

Define the words. Next to each word, include a clear definition. If you like, you could include an example of how it could be used in a sentence.

Alphabetize the words. On a separate piece of paper, organize your words so that they'll be easier to find. Organize them by the first letter of the word, then the second, then the third, etc.

Edit your rough draft. To ensure that you have a good dictionary, go through your paper and correct any mistakes. Be sure that you've correctly spelled each word and that you have clear definitions.

Write your final copy. You can write it out by hand with a pen for a neater effect. Alternatively, you could type it up on Microsoft Word before printing it out.

Design your cover. There are many different ways that you can make a cover, so allow your imagination to run wild. You could design one with markers and construction paper, or you could make one on your computer and print it out.

Enjoy your dictionary! Make sure to show to friends and family!

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