How to Get Defog in Pokémon Platinum
How to Get Defog in Pokémon Platinum
Defog is a hidden machine (HM) introduced in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. It allows you to remove fog from foggy areas. This wikiHow teaches you how to get Defog in Pokémon Platinum.

Go to Solaceon Town. It is located in central Sinnoh between Route 209 and Route 210.

Go to the cave. To get to the cave, go up the road that leads to Route 210 until you reach the north-most part of the town. Go behind the small wooden house on the right and continue until you run into the trees. Jump down the ledges next to the rock ledges. You will see the cave in the ledges to the right.

Enter the cave. When you see the cave on the right, enter it. The cave leads to the Solaceon Ruins.

Go down the second set of stairs on the right. Once inside, walk past the first set of stairs on the left and head north. Go down the second set of stairs in the upper-right corner of the room.

Go down the stairs on the left. In the second room, go south and walk past the guy with the hat. Go down the stairs on the left.

Go down the stairs on the right. In the third room, go North past the man that talks to you about Unown. Go down the staircase to the right.

Go down the stairs on the left. In the fourth room, go North. Then down the staircase to the left.

Go up the staircase at the top-left corner. When you enter the fifth room, go straight across to the left. Take the staircase in the upper-left corner of the room.

Go down the stairs in the bottom-left corner. When you enter the sixth room, head south, and go down the stairs on the left.

Grab the poké Balls. The Defog HM is the top right Poke Ball. The other Poké Balls contain a Nugget, Odd Incense, and Mind Plate.

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