Watch: Elderly Woman’s Love For Her Pet Tiger Leaves Internet Speechless
Watch: Elderly Woman’s Love For Her Pet Tiger Leaves Internet Speechless
The viral video highlights an emotional bond between an elderly woman and her pet tiger.

The friendship between an animal and a human is one of the most unique and precious things in the world, especially when it comes to wild animals. This viral video is proof of this. It shows an intense bond between an elderly woman and her pet tiger. These wild cats are undeniably some of the most dangerous predators on earth. However, there are a few humans in the world who are brave enough to keep tigers as pets, giving it all the love they need. A video depicting their bond is going viral on X. In the video, the woman is seen calling the tiger out of its habitat, which seems to be inside the property. She is carrying a pan with her, which looks to be filled with milk. As the tiger slowly comes out of his house, the woman pets it gently while keeping the milk pan in front of the animal. The tiger slurps the milk as a dog or a cat would, and rubs its head on the woman’s face, as she cleans its eyes.

The video is shared with a caption, “20 years of love.” Netizens express their reactions in the comment section. A user wrote, “Tiger looks healthy, so it’s defs getting meat.” Another user wrote, “Wow, I hope this doesn’t change.” A third user said, “Wow. I thought they say keeping wild animals is like digging your grave.” The post has gained more than 2,00,000 likes, and 24 million views on the platform.

In a similar news, a woman from Russia is known for having a black panther as a pet, who is best friends with a dog. The owner named Victoria revealed that she has raised the big cat since it was eight days old.

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